
Survival map in warcraft 3

Troll And Elves v7.9
Map : Troll and Elves v7.9
By: nhattuanbl
Update : 27/3/2017
Cetegory : Survival
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Jurassic Park Survival FINAL
By: WILLOW PRODUCTION (OldManWillow&BabySealPoacher)
Cetegory : Survival
- Read the Quest Log
- Survival for 35-65 Minutes
- Final Version
- Edit something item
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Jurassic Park Survival Gold 7.4
Map : jurassic park 7.4
By: Fat-ass-bastard (originally by PerfectlyInsane.)
Cetegory: Survival
- Use the bases provided.
- Upgrade your turret base to more powerful turrets.
- If you are teaming together discuss with your team before your build to avoid
any fights.
- Do not attack your allies, you need them to win the game.
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Zombie Invasion Ultimate 31/2/2017
Map : Zombie-Invasion-Ultimate-31-2-2017
By: hieungo
Facebook :
Update : 31/2/2017
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Dawn Of The Dead v5.2 Full
Map : DawnOfTheDead5.2F
By : PreVio
Web Page :
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Werewolf - Transylvania 1.27.13
Map : Werewolf - Transylvania 1.27.13
By : Jesse_James and Wasted_Savior
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